n. The branch of government that oversees the carrying out of the laws
n. the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws [syn: Executive Office of the President]
Usage examples of "executive branch".
He was joined by his new appointments, Secretary of State Marshall and Secretary of War Dexter, who with the rest of the executive branch had made the move from Philadelphia, along with the complete files of the President and the departments shipped in eight packing cases.
If it were just the Executive Branch making these decisions, yes, you would have just cause to worry.
How can we rebuild the Congress and the executive branch with amateurs?
In so doing, we can never forget that the executive branch is a co-equal with the other two branches of government.
In the executive branch, in the Directory, it assures itself of unanimity.
Deliberately manipulated outrage-incidents such as the sinking of the Lusitania, the burning of the Reischtag, and the attack on Pearl Harbor, as precursors to elite-planned military campaigns has historically held several functions: it triggers the built-in nationalistic war spirit, channels the resulting righteous wrath toward the nominated enemy, and concentrates power in the executive branch, where elite control is unhampered by popular influence.
And his reward for that was drawing every crap detail in the executive branch, delivering speeches that would rarely make the news, though those of various cabinet officials did, speeches to keep faithful the party faithful, speeches to float new ideas—.
The political city emptied out for the presidential election, which shared that November with all of the House seats and a third of the Senate, plus hundreds of political-appointment slots in the executive branch.
Pug went on with his stock answers to stock anti-Semitism: the all but solid Christian ownership of newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses, the Christian composition of Congress, the cabinet, and the executive branch, the eight Christian judges out of rune on the Supreme Court, the paramount White House influence of a Christian, Harry Hopkins, and all the rest.