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n. (plural of excruciation English)

Usage examples of "excruciations".

Lesser places have no more than a carnifex, who takes life and performs such excruciations as the judicators there decree.

If the guild had particular excruciations reserved for specific individuals, I knew nothing of it.

I was not yet free, since all the details of excruciations and administration that had been accumulating during my attendance on the archon remained to be dealt with.

She didn't want to imagine all the things the Baenre might do to her, but she herself had presided over enough excruciations that it was difficult not to envision the possibilities.

But with Goblin it can become a flaming passion, with him trying to work everybody up to go out and treat a few tax people to grotesque excruciations and deaths.

But his most stinging excruciations come from guilt, and from a transgression that lies much closer to home.