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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Excrescent \Ex*cres"cent\, a. [L. excresens, -entis, p. pr. of excrescere to grow out; ex out + crescere to grow. See Crescent.] Growing out in an abnormal or morbid manner or as a superfluity.

Expunge the whole, or lip the excrescent parts.

Excrescent letter (Philol.), a letter which has been added to a root; as, the d in alder (AS. alr) is an excrescent letter.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from Latin excrescentem (nominative excrescens), present participle of excrescere "grow out, grow up" (see excrescence).


a. Growing out in an abnormal or morbid manner or as a superfluity. n. 1 Something growing, usually abnormally, out of something else. 2 (context phonetics English) A sound in a word without etymological reason.


adj. forming an outgrowth (usually an excessive outgrowth)

Usage examples of "excrescent".

Shutters hung atilt on upper floors, excrescent rooms overshadowing the walks were propped from below with timbers and, sagging further, with mere boards, at all angles.