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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exciting \Ex*cit"ing\, a. Calling or rousing into action; producing excitement; as, exciting events; an exciting story. -- Ex*cit"ing*ly, adv.

Exciting causes (Med.), those which immediately produce disease, or those which excite the action of predisposing causes.


adv. In an exciting manner


adv. in an exciting manner; "at the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary" [ant: unexcitingly]

Usage examples of "excitingly".

Excitingly near and real, she was yet somehow wrapped in that untouchable aloofness that I could not understand.

Frederika had old Washington's sense of unreality when it came to the Federal theater that changed its program every four or eight years -- sometimes sooner if a player happened to be, excitingly, assassinated.

For example, not only is a woman free then to open herself fully to the ravishings of masters, to be participatory, to feel as deeply, and profoundly and excitingly as she can, to be as responsive and orgasmic as possible, but she must do so.

One of the boxers beat a bass drum which resounded excitingly around the showgrounds while a spruiker challenged foolhardy lairs in the audience to earn a quid fighting one of the Sharman boys inside the marquee.

When he smiled, he exuded an easy air of undistilled, excitingly dangerous lasciviousness.