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excise tax

n. Any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods, especially on luxury, tobacco, alcohol etc.

excise tax

n. a tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate) [syn: excise]

Usage examples of "excise tax".

But the fact of the matter was that the excise tax stripped even the smallest of profits from such a venture.

THE ATTENTION OF THE COUNTRY, meanwhile, had shifted to western Pennsylvania where an insurrection had broken out over a federal excise tax on distilleries, the only internal tax thus far imposed by the federal government.

He finished the process, which had really begun the night he and Dennis Guilder had changed that first flat tyre, by paying an excise tax fee of $8.

Their ancestors came here before the Revolution to worship God as they pleased and escape the excise tax.