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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exceeding \Ex*ceed"ing\, a. More than usual; extraordinary; more than sufficient; measureless. ``The exceeding riches of his grace.''
--Eph. ii. 7. -- Ex*ceed"ing*ness, n. [Obs.]
--Sir P. Sidney.


Exceeding \Ex*ceed"ing\, adv. In a very great degree; extremely; exceedingly. [Archaic. It is not joined to verbs.] ``The voice exceeding loud.''

His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow.
--Mark ix. 3.

The Genoese were exceeding powerful by sea.
--Sir W. Raleigh.


Exceed \Ex*ceed"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Exceeded; p. pr. & vb. n. Exceeding.] [L. excedere, excessum, to go away or beyond; ex out + cedere to go, to pass: cf. F. exc['e]der. See Cede.] To go beyond; to proceed beyond the given or supposed limit or measure of; to outgo; to surpass; -- used both in a good and a bad sense; as, one man exceeds another in bulk, stature, weight, power, skill, etc.; one offender exceeds another in villainy; his rank exceeds yours.

Name the time, but let it not Exceed three days.

Observes how much a chintz exceeds mohair.

Syn: To outdo; surpass; excel; transcend; outstrip; outvie; overtop.

  1. 1 (context archaic English) prodigious 2 (context archaic English) exceptional, extraordinary 3 (context archaic English) extreme adv. (context archaic English) exceedingly. n. (context archaic English) The situation of being in excess. v

  2. (present participle of exceed English)


adj. far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart's prodigious talents" [syn: exceptional, olympian, prodigious, surpassing]

Usage examples of "exceeding".

I cannot recollect now, and could not render into English were I to recall them, should, upon complaint of the person aggrieved, and upon proof of the offence by the evidence of worthy and truth-speaking witnesses, be amerced in such penalty, not exceeding a certain sum, as in the estimation of the presiding magistrate should be held to be a proper compensation for the injury to his reputation suffered by the plaintiff.

In the last half-hour, as the two ships closed, the Biter signalled her intentions exceeding clearly, and the Noble Goring, as the trader was bizarrely named, ignored them with plodding insouciance.

In many states, bribery or the attempt to bribe is made a felony, and is punishable with varying terms of imprisonment, in some jurisdictions it may be with a period not exceeding ten years.

Van Bummels, who inhabit the pleasant borders of the Bronx: these were short fat men, wearing exceeding large trunk-breeches, and were renowned for feats of the trencher.

Within the narrow limits of the choice given to them in terms of quality and quantity of materials and ingredients, Chi presented his new culinary creations and Lang supported him in serving them with pride and joy far exceeding the expectations of the thirty to forty low-income travellers on each voyage.

The supplies were raised by a continuation of the land-tax, the duties upon malt, cyder, and perry, an additional imposition on unmalted corn used in distilling, and by sale of annuities to the bank not exceeding fifty thousand pounds per annum.

However, at last the intrigues were baffled, and, on the 8th of June, the visit, which had been expected by the Parisians with an eagerness exceeding that of the dauphiness herself, was made.

And when she came I looked on her, and deemed that I had seen her aforetime: she was not old, but of middle age, of dark red hair, and brown eyes somewhat small: not a big woman, but well fashioned of body, and looking as if she had once been exceeding dainty and trim.

Christmas party, which was going to be dull with an exceeding great dullness, no matter how the Braithwaites might tear their hair to make it interesting, Dinny went skating in the park.

Borders between tribes became unstable and finally dissolved, and on the fifth day of the siege the barbarians had all become fungible and formed into a huddle on the uttermost point of the Pudong Peninsula, several tens of thousands of persons packed into an area not exceeding a few city blocks.

And Sennachus, serving in exceeding holiness the Holy One of all holies, and being renowned for his miracles and for his virtues, entered at length into the heavenly sanctuary.

Perhaps the sunshine of some one single Sabbath of more exceeding holiness comes first glimmering, and then brightening upon us, with the very same sanctity that filled all the air at the tolling of the kirk-bell, when all the parish was hushed, and the voice of streams heard more distinctly among the banks and braes.

The signing, sealing, countersealing, or issuing of any commission, or letter of authority, contrary to the provisions of the Act, was made punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both.

These kames and sand plains, because of the silicious nature of their materials and the very porous nature of the soil which they afford, are commonly sterile, or at most render a profit to the tiller by dint of exceeding care.

Thare iz millyuns ov them kaught every year, but not with a hook, this makes the market for them unstiddy, the supply allways exceeding the demand.