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examining room

alt. A small room in a hospital etc where a physician may examine a patient with some privacy n. A small room in a hospital etc where a physician may examine a patient with some privacy

Usage examples of "examining room".

All but tossed his cookies right there on the examining room floor.

That is exactly what happened and, although now it was too dark in my examining room to see the rest of him with clarity, I could discern his obsidian irises shining across the desk like those of some nocturnal animal as he plucked a papaya from the fruit basket and offered me a bite.

Jason was whisked into an examining room before Evie could reach his side to speak to him.

When he went back to get the chart out of the box on examining room one, he felt reassured.

The room was something like a medical examining room, but everything in it was made of gray concrete.