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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exacting \Ex*act"ing\, a. Oppressive or unreasonably severe in making demands or requiring the exact fulfillment of obligations; harsh; severe. ``A temper so exacting.''
--T. Arnold -- Ex*act"ing*ly, adv. -- Ex*act"ing*ness, n.


adv. In an exacting manner.

Usage examples of "exactingly".

True, for now, her internal receptors allowed her only the binary nature of droids to work with, but once she had accessed enough datastorage space and enough coprocessors at sufficiently wide bandwidths, there would be no limit to the sensations she would be able to induce, record, digitize, and play back to the nth repetition, all exactingly coaxed from her mechanistic brethren.

Aurora and the SDF-3 kids were being exactingly recorded, but Obstat and the others were not likely to learn much from the motionless, silently communing seance the rug rats were holding.