n. (context algebra English) A sequence of groups with adjacent groups connected by homomorphisms such that the image of one homomorphism is the kernel of the next.
An exact sequence is a concept in mathematics, especially in ring and module theory, homological algebra, as well as in differential geometry and group theory. An exact sequence is a sequence, either finite or infinite, of objects and morphisms between them such that the image of one morphism equals the kernel of the next.
Usage examples of "exact sequence".
So the exact sequence in which you use the force equations is not revealed in the texts and I think there are dummy equations there as well.
Nicole could not understand what the queen was saying because she could not follow the exact sequence of colors pouring out of the slit.
Turner and Wakefield carefully wrote down the exact sequence of events that they would follow before they began the procedure.
What is more, we shall never, no matter how refined our predictive tools become, be able to forecast the exact sequence of future states of the society.
He proved that if you set up this function in a particular way, and then gave it, as input, a particular string of numbers, it would crank out the exact sequence that was on those intercepts.
The exact sequence is repeated by sweeping the right leg and arm to the left.
With its help he was reconstructing every action that Zoe Nash had made, mimicking her exact sequence of movements at the ship's controls.
The exact sequence was not always easy, and to fix it he sometimes gazed out of the window.
She lay very still, reviewing in her mind the exact sequence of movements that had brought her here .
She lay very still, reviewing in her mind the exact sequence of movements that had brought her here.
To chronicle the exact sequence of Bardo's journeys from star to star and his acquisition of wealth would be pointless.
The men with the telescopes called out descriptions and the exact sequence of events.
It would be a great pity to break its exact sequence at such a very interesting point.
It was crucial for us to recall the exact sequence of events in the life of John Reddy Heart for we knew how, with the passage of time, our would melt and lose definition, like our muscles.