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EVT¡raxer is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle chassis which is open source and designed by Auto88, a Czech vehicle designer incorporating LiFePO4 Winston batteries made by Thunder Sky Group (China) and control systems designed by GWL Power Group Technology Solutions, which is part of Gigawave Europe Ltd (Guernsey) but managed iby i4wifi a.s., a joint-stock company specialist in electronics and wireless components and registered in the Czech Republic

  • The functional platform, comprises a 4 kW traction system (roughly equivalent to about 5 horsepower or a 50 cc scooter) which is offered retail at about 4000 Euros.
  • The inclusion of a 48V 60Ah DC LiFePO4 battery pack and a 3 kW battery charger increases the price to about 5500 Euros.

''It is claimed that the chassis is Homologated (validated) to European Union vehicle construction and use regulations. ''

In the EU Vehicle registration differs from type approval and vehicle inspection, which are only some of the preconditions for registration. Therefore homologation does not imply authorization for use on public roads.

Usually volume manufacturers provide a European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval (ECWVTA) whilst niche makers can use the European Union Small Series Type Approval (ECSSTA) that allows registration in any EC country (although local modification may be required. Different local rules apply in different EC countries: for example most of Europe drives on the right, so headlights must dip right, but the reverse is true for the United Kingdom and Ireland.

However an incomplete vehicle such as the EVTraxer would not qualify for either of these general schemes and so would require Individual Vehicle Approval in each country of registration (i.e. each individual owners' domicile or tax residence address) although if that IVA-based registration and vehicle taxation was effective within any EC country the vehicle could then be driven anywhere in Europe.

The supplier also claims that the vehicle specifications can be modified, which would invalidate any prior homogulation