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n. (plural of evolutionist English)

Usage examples of "evolutionists".

There have been evolutionists who have denied that gradualism of this kind is necessary in evolution.

They have enjoyed enormous publicity, among a public that knows almost nothing else about evolution, and this is largely because their position has been represented, by secondary reporters more than by themselves, as radically different from the positions of previous evolutionists, especially Charles Darwin.

It is possible to interpret the words of Darwin and many other evolutionists as gradualist in intent, but it then becomes important to realize that the word gradualist can be interpreted in different ways to mean different things.

If we could indeed look at such a complete fossil record, carefully arranged in chronological order, what should we, as evolutionists, expect to see?

I shall show that the answer is yes, and that the ranks of gradualists, in this second sense, include all sensible evolutionists, among them, when you look carefully at their beliefs, those that call themselves punctuationists.

But as far as adaptive evolution of large-scale structures and behaviour patterns are concerned, just about all evolutionists would reject constant speedism, and Darwin certainly would have rejected it.

The authors seem to imagine that evolutionists should expect such intermediate animals to exist.

Finally, the evolutionists, who "reconstruct the world in imagination,"

How, I wonder, do conventional evolutionists imagine that their primaeval world of pure plant life existed in the absence of all other species?

This is how evolutionists usually evaluate a property: by asking whether it developed often.

Some evolutionists believe that as the African plains dried out, stands of trees became farther apart.