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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Evitable \Ev"i*ta*ble\, a. [L. evitabilis: cf. F. ['e]vitable.] Avoidable. [R.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1500, from Latin evitabilis "avoidable," from evitare "to shun, avoid" (see inevitable). In modern use, likely a back-formation from inevitable.


a. Possible to avoid; avertible.


adj. capable of being avoided or warded off [syn: avoidable, avertible, avertable] [ant: inevitable]

Usage examples of "evitable".

Daniel was a coward before one of the simplest, most inevitable happenings of earthly life.

It did not strike him that it was generally either a platitude or an excuse for weakness, and that a nobler duty is to find out what is inevitable and what is not, to declare boldly that what the world oftentimes affirms to be inevitable is really evitable, and heroically to set about making it so.

For what deference can be given to a name, though not in itself a thing of dishonor, which represents the failure to derail the evitable fate which wrecks the race of man again and again.

I say no doubt for I have not seen the poor, dear man since the duel, which his impatience toward Ardea and Hafner rendered in evitable.

But when Pernel told me how Generys had been found, and how my son had set himself to prove Ruald blameless, by proving this could not in fact be Generys… And then how he exerted himself, once again, to find the woman Gunnild alive… Then I understood that he had brought in evitable suspicion upon himself, as one knowing far too much.