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every second

a. every other; each alternate. adv. 1 (&lit Once per second English) 2 (context figuratively English) Very frequently; more frequently than is desired.

Every Second

"Every Second" is a song written by Gerald Smith and Wayne Perry, and recorded by American country music artist Collin Raye. It was released in February 1992 as the third and final single from his debut album All I Can Be.

Usage examples of "every second".

If those atoms vanished at the rate of three million every second, it would take about ten billion years for all traces of the original gram to disappear.

Even though natural uranium is not very radioactive compared to some other really dangerous stuff, a couple of grams of it, less than half a teaspoonful, will emit about thirty thousand alpha particles every second and will go on doing so at almost that rate for millions of years.

Thirty thousand alpha particles attacking your guts every second for a couple of days might certainly make you feel sick but I think you would recover eventually.

We've already got a starter ball of deuterium slush in the throat of the scoop, and it's evaporating with every second that goes by.

Use everything you've got, every second, and if you notice anything, however small, the least bit out of the way, let me know, right then.

Suddenly, after all this time, every second presses, works against us.

Trapped in a Simian shell, fighting every second against the monstrous pull of the simulated gravity of the orbital.

He rarely noticed until he was tired, but Avalon's gravity put an extra ten pounds on him every second of his life.