adv. in three month intervals; "interest is compounded quarterly" [syn: quarterly]
Usage examples of "every quarter".
Twelve or fifteen steps carried him into a court-yard, oblong north and south, and in every quarter, except the east, bounded by what seemed the fronts of two-story houses.
He now for the first time heard on all sides distinctly, the confused noises which still rose from every quarter of Rome.
The new steam-cars would pull you up there in three minutes or so, every quarter of an hour.
Two engineer officers with fifty stout sappers, who each had a rose noble for every quarter of an hour's work, got on to the breach in front of the sand hill, and threw up a small breastwork, strengthened by palisades, across it.
Lenkletter and Lebogue were first chosen, but there were reliefs every quarter of an hour so that the rest of us might enjoy the benefit of the exercise.