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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Eventuality \E*ven`tu*al"i*ty\, n.; pl. Eventualities. [Cf. F.

  1. The coming as a consequence; contingency; also, an event which comes as a consequence.

  2. (Phren.) Disposition to take cognizance of events.


n. (plural of eventuality English)

Usage examples of "eventualities".

I meant only to make a vague general reference, to learn whether you would be opposed in principle or whether the two eventualities might possibly coincide.

His advisers were constantly in touch with the various royalist groups, particularly those in Paris, and since some of Buonaparte's ministers thought it wise to insure against all eventualities they not only connived at this traffic but even sent emissaries of their own with messages that usually contained expressions of respect and good will but little else - nothing concrete.

To guard against eventualities, Tyne had used the spade he discovered to dig a deep trench in the sand across the path anyone heading inland would take.