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even up

vb. (context intransitive English) To make even; to make level.

even up
  1. v. adjust or make up for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance" [syn: compensate, counterbalance, correct, even out, even off]

  2. even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing [syn: square up, jog]

Usage examples of "even up".

The double cloud layer had set in with a vengeance, and the moons weren't even up above it.

As far as Tioumen, and even up to Novo-Zaimskoe, this road has slight inclines, which gentle undulations are the first signs of the slopes of the Ural Mountains.

If we could buy him from Captain Frank, and play him a bit in polo here, he'd be sure to get in the handicap with a light weight, and we'd even up things with His Highness.

Where had mine kobolds, not even up to making their own mattocks, got such skilled work from?

It was a broad stone building of three stories, with tall windows even up under the red roof tiles.