n. regularity of spacing
Usage examples of "even spacing".
At first glance, their similarity to primitive hieroglyphics invited her to see pictures in their geometric patterns, but the even spacing between groups warned her that it couldn’.
He relied on his sense of touch and the memory of the even spacing of the treads.
Visibility was good because of the albescence and the even spacing of the trees and to the right and left of the crossroads there was nothing in sight so I brought the speed up progressively and cleared the harder-packed area with deadpoint momentum between acceleration and deceleration, obliquely aware that if we survived this day I would for long remember her calm and rather formal question as we and our shadow flew in whiteness among the winter trees, who are you please.
Beneath the turbulence of the sea's waves, all hung there, as motionless as swimming creatures can be, as they held themselves in even spacing and careful alignment.
As you'll see from my numbers, with even spacing of the cars we'll have a velocity of about three hundred kilometers an hour.