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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Evanesce \Ev`a*nesce"\ ([e^]v`[.a]*n[e^]s"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Evanesced ([e^]v`[.a]*n[e^]st"); p. pr. & vb. n. Evanescing. ([e^]v`[.a]*n[e^]s"s[i^]ng).] [L. evanescere; e out + vanescere to vanish, fr. vanus empty, vain. See Vain, and cf. Evanish.] To vanish away; to become dissipated and disappear, like vapor.

I believe him to have evanesced or evaporated.
--De Quincey.


vb. (en-past of: evanesce)

Usage examples of "evanesced".

Of burnt-out stars not even cinders were left, the last scraps of helium ash evanesced like table dust on a windy day.

A deeply contemplative Flinx spent a long time gazing at the empty space the evanesced world-ship had occupied.

Almost immediately, this liquid evanesced into a darkening steam, spawning an intense wave of heat that caused Riane to stumble backward into Othnam's arms.