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EUscreen is a website that provides free access to Europe’s television heritage through videos, articles, images and audio from European audiovisual archives and broadcasters. Its digitised content covers a period from early 1900 until today. EUscreen “aligns the heterogeneous collections held throughout Europe and encourages the exploration of Europe’s cultural and television history by different user groups”. EUscreen is also the name of the overarching network of institutions working on providing access European audiovisual collections.

The EUscreen project and the EUscreen network leaps the gap between people that wish to see old television materials (be it for leisure, for reuse or for education/research) and television archives. Although audiovisual content is in the process of being digitised and made available online in most European countries, access to television archives, remains scattered. This is partly due to digitisation technologies and practices not advancing at the same pace in all European countries but also due to of rights legislation.