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EurObserv'ER is a consortium dedicated to the monitoring of the development of the various sectors of renewable energies in the European Union.

Created in 1999 by Observ'ER, the Observatory of renewable energies in France, it is composed of five other partners: ECN (The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands), IEO (EC BREC Institute of Renewable Energetic Ltd), RENAC (Renewables Academy AG), FS ( Frankfurt School of finance and management) and IJS (Institut Jozef Stefan).

Each year it publishes a number of reports, one for each sector: photovoltaic, wind energy, solid biomass, hydro, solar thermal, concentrated solar power, ocean energies, geothermal energy, biofuels, biogas and solid waste. These reports are called "Barometers", e.g. "Biofuels barometer 2013". These barometers summarises the state for each of the EU member states for the particular energy sector using both technical and socioeconomic indicators. It also publishes an annual report on the state of renewable energies in Europe.

EurObserv'ER provides free information to a large public and many other actors as the policy makers, industry players and journalists. It is supported by the Intelligent Energy- Europe Programme, Ademe and Caisse des Dépôts.