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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Eupione \Eu"pi*one\, n. [Gr. ? very fat; e'y^ well + ? fat.] (Chem.) A limpid, oily liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of various vegetable and animal substances; -- specifically, an oil consisting largely of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series. [Written also eupion.]


n. (context organic compound English) A clear oily liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of various vegetable and animal substances; specifically, an oil consisting largely of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series.


Eupione, or eupion, is a hydrocarbon of the paraffin series, probably a pentane, CH, discovered by Carl Reichenbach in wood tar. It is also formed in the destructive distillation of many substances, as wood, coal, caoutchouc, bones, resin and the fixed oils. It is a colorless, highly volatile and flammable liquid, having at 20°C a specific gravity of 0.65.