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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Euphonic \Eu*phon"ic\, Euphonical \Eu*phon"ic*al\, a. Pertaining to, or exhibiting, euphony; agreeable in sound; pleasing to the ear; euphonious; as, a euphonic expression; euphonical orthography.


a. characterized by euphony; harmonious


adj. of or relating to or characterized by euphony [syn: euphonical]

Usage examples of "euphonic".

Indians have helped us considerably and the words they have given us are extremely euphonic as exemplified in the names of many of our rivers and States, as Mississippi, Missouri, Minnehaha, Susquehanna, Monongahela, Niagara, Ohio, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Nebraska, Dakota, etc.

I was a long time in discovering that this meaningless euphonic name was but the memory of the Isle aux Galets--the island of the pebbles.

The Euphonic Mountains were more rugged than the dunes they had just crossed, but not enough for his tastes.

He was not then known as Wing Biddlebaum, but went by the less euphonic name of Adolph Myers.

Trying to find something in it besides the purely euphonic, Oskar failed completely.

The spectrocorde, although its euphonic spectrum affected her, as he knew it would, was of no help.

But the most important measure of euphonic strategies is their appropriateness to the subject.