n. A believer in, advocate of, or specialist regarding the principles of eugenics.
Usage examples of "eugenicist".
Any surviving remnants of the outlawed eugenicist Meliorare Society would want to make use of him.
Public Eugenicist and accuse his predecessor of authorizing a mistaken pairing.
His most delectable pleasure was cutting a fanatical eugenicist into conversational ribbons.
Almost every biology book for the past century has included pictures of vertebrate embryos made by German biologist and enthusiastic eugenicist Ernst Haeckel, purportedly demonstrating the amazing similarity of fish, chickens, and humans in the womb.
That she is a technical eugenicist most informed readers will emphatically deny.
Beyond Earth, the United Church had placed a moral imperative lock, an elaborate Edict, on all information about the Meliorares, the society of renegade eugenicists responsible for whatever bastard mutation he had become.
Not only were all eugenicists Darwinists, but nearly all Darwinists were scientific racists.
The editor of this edition has included many quotations from eugenicists of the 1920s, which read astonishingly like the words of contemporary prophets of doom.
An entire hierarchy was cybernetically conceived and programmed, then handed down through the bureaucratic chain until it reached the Bioneers and Eugenicists.