The Collaborative International Dictionary
Etiological \E`ti*o*log"ic*al\, a. Pertaining to, or inquiring into, causes; [ae]tiological.
a. Of or pertaining to an etiology. alt. Of or pertaining to an etiology.
adj. of or relating to the philosophical study of etiology [syn: etiologic, aetiological, aetiologic]
relating to the etiology of a disease; "etiological agent" [syn: etiologic, aetiological, aetiologic]
Usage examples of "etiological".
The role of cooked food mutagens as possible etiological agents in human cancer: A critical appraisal of recent epidemiological investigations.
As she's telling what she sees as etiological truth, even though the monologue seems sincere and unaffected and at least a B+ on the overall AA-story lucidity-scale, faces in the hall are averted and heads clutched and postures uneasily shifted in empathetic distress at the look-what-happened-to-poor-me invitation implicit in the tale, the talk's tone of self-pity itself less offensive (even though plenty of these White Flaggers, Gately knows, had personal childhoods that made this girl's look like a day at Six Flags Over the Poconos) than the subcurrent of explanation, an appeal to exterior Cause that can slide, in the addictive mind, so insidiously into Excuse that any causal attribution is in Boston AA feared, shunned, punished by empathic distress.
Feccheimer, "Congenital Abnormalities in Cattle and Their General Etiological Factors," {Journal of Dairy Science} 52, No.
Disposition and experience here became associated into an inseparable etiological unity, in that the disposition raised certain impressions to inciting and fixed traumas, which otherwise would have remained altogether banal and ineffectual, whilst the experiences evoked factors from the disposition which, without them, would have continued to remain dormant, and, perhaps, undeveloped.