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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He argued that it is too simplistic, and indeed ethnocentric, to dismiss such peoples as irrational and unscientific.
▪ It also helps us understand the ethnocentric and ruling-class view of much conservative criminology.
▪ Media theories, as developed in the past, are uniquely national and ethnocentric.
▪ Subtly mythic and ethnocentric, the novel is one of Naipaul's most rewarding.
▪ Such an approach is not only unscientific: it is also arrogantly ethnocentric.
▪ The fact that Western cultures were placed by the anthropologists on the uppermost rungs reflects their ethnocentric perspective!
▪ Without this cross-cultural breadth their argument appears parochial and ethnocentric.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

ethnocentric \ethnocentric\ adj. centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own; exhibiting ethnocentrism (in both senses).

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"believing that one's own nation is the center of civilization," 1891, from ethno- + -centric; a technical term in social sciences until it began to be more widely used in the second half of the 20th century. Related: Ethnocentricity; ethnocentrism (1902).\n\nDr. Gumplowicz, professor of sociology at the University of Gratz, says that there are illusions which have been most baneful in the wider life of the world. He mentions two of them which, with real German facility for coining new names, he calls "acrochronism" and "ethnocentrism."

["Address of Professor J.C. Bracq," in "The Eighth Lake Mohonk Arbitration Conference," May 28, 1902; he adds, "Acrochronism is the illusion which leads us to think that what we are doing is the culminating point of some great process."]


a. Of or pertaining to ethnocentrism.


adj. centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own

Usage examples of "ethnocentric".

We see it in Marx: rationality, as a worldcentric mode of cognition, will, with its economic developments, overcome egocentric and ethnocentric class divisions and usher in a true communion of equally free subjects.