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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ethmoid \Eth"moid\n. (Anat.) The ethmoid bone.


Ethmoid \Eth"moid\, Ethmoidal \Eth*moid"al\, a. [Gr. ? like a sieve; ? sieve + ? from: cf. F. ethmo["i]de, ethmo["i]dal.] (Anat.)

  1. Like a sieve; cribriform.

  2. Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone.

    Ethmoid bone (Anat.), a bone of complicated structure through which the olfactory nerves pass out of the cranium and over which they are largely distributed.


a. 1 Resembling a sieve. 2 Relating to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone. n. The ethmoid bone.


n. one of the eight bones of the cranium; a small bone filled with air spaces that forms part of the eye sockets and the nasal cavity [syn: ethmoid bone]


Usage examples of "ethmoid".

Worms lodging in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid feed on the soft tissues of that region.

A part of the right malar bone, the two superior maxillary bones, the nasal bones, the cartilage, the vomer, the middle lamina of the ethmoid, the left maxillary bone, a portion of the left zygomatic arch, and a great portion of the inferior maxilla were carried away, or comminuted, and all the soft parts correspondingly lacerated.

One of the KGB guards was lunging for him, Rourke's left foot snapping up and out, against the muzzle of the M-16, kicking it to Rourke's left, Rourke's right hand hammering forward, the middle knuckles finding the adam's apple, crushing the windpipe, blood gushing from the man's mouth through his clenched teeth, Rourke's fist snapping back, then forward, the middle knuckles impacting the base of the nose, driving the bone up and through the ethmoid bone and into the brain.

Frontal, malar, ethmoid, maxillary, sphenoid, and palatine bones had to be rebuilt to properly contain my right eye, because it sort of .