Crossword clues for etheric
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Of or pertaining to the ether (all-pervading medium).
Usage examples of "etheric".
Casting before him a cabbalistic incantation that smashed the etheric lattice of the window, and seemed to carry him with it, out of the pavilion he sprang, snatching up as he hurtled through a sword of honed steel from the bench.
Those of the second group are still connected to natural phenomena because the Kundalini, and all that it implies, gets only as far as the etheric double before becoming a metaphysical force instead of an earth-natural force.
The etheric double, cut off from the supply of prana, or etheric vitality, which it derives from the sun while in incarnation, and not yet adjusted to its new condition, is apt to draw this vitality from whatever source may be available to it.
By then, twilight had faded into night, and the astral tides, which influence the flux offerees in the etheric plane, had settled down after their change from the dominance of Fire to the dominance of Water, a change that marks the coming of night.
At night the unawakened hive-mind that was New York was as close to somnolent as possible, and the Etheric Currents could be more easily manipulated.
Keeping her concentration firmly centred in the falcon, she transferred her consciousness up a level to the etheric plane.
Not for Merrie the obscurities of ectoplasmic artforms, or the etheric darkness of oblique pentagons or magic.
Sivrak activated the diagnostics, rechanneled auxiliary power, and closed his wings for increased etheric stability.
To use the word body for aggregations of etheric or astral forces is legitimate if one considers the fact that the physical body also is really a purely dynamic entity, that is, a certain aggregate of forces more or less self-contained.
But it must not be forgotten that in the ether-realm as a whole, warmth - that is, the overcoming of earthly gravity - is only one of the four modes of etheric action, albeit the one which enables the other three to work into the physical world.
Rust red with a vegetable aura, the meadowlands spread out under the shimmering blue light of the etheric plane.
By then, twilight had faded into night, and the astral tides, which influence the flux offerees in the etheric plane, had settled down after their change from the dominance of Fire to the dominance of Water, a change that marks the coming of night.
It is possible for souls to take the etheric forms of beloved pets with them to the lower planes of spirit, but generally the higher evolved entities are interested in the affairs of God and in assisting Him ever upwards.
These vibrations all join together to give off an electrical force field, which in turn gives off a greyish-blue colour, and which becomes the etheric field.
In the course of his later life man has these powers of abstract thought, but they are part of his physical organism, and are not taken up into his etheric being.