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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

see et cetera.


phr. (abbreviation of et cetera nodot=1 English); and the rest; and so forth.


adv. continuing in the same way [syn: and so forth, and so on, etcetera]

Etc. (Jawbreaker album)

Etc. is a collection of B-sides and rarities by the punk rock band Jawbreaker.

Usage examples of "etc.".

And besides this there is the dream-life which your mind unceasingly creates for itself -- and though most of this is trivial and soon forgotten, it contains things which are beautiful, funny, etc. beyond anything that ever gets into words.

I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, pride comes before a fall, etc. -- and the most dangerous pride is the false pride of the intellect.

He could explain the real reasons of his actions instead of telling rationalized lies, point out the things that seemed to him beautiful, pathetic, funny, etc. -- things that an ordinary man has to keep locked up because there are no words to express them.

I have written nothing except book reviews etc. for a long time past, and also my time has been rather filled up with helping with the L.

The Communists still possess a footing in the factories and may some time stage a come-back by fomenting grievances about working hours etc. But they have difficulty in getting their working-class followers to accept a definitely pro-Hitler policy, and they had to pipe down during the desperate days in the summer.

All the stuff about Fascist atrocities, denunciations of Chamberlain, etc., which it had been completely impossible to get away from in any highbrow magazine in peace time, suddenly came to an end, and far more fuss has been made among the left-wing intelligentsia about the internment of German refugees than about anything done by the enemy.

But the disorganization of transport, communications, etc. causes endless inconvenience.

The natural instinct of men like Simon, Hoare, Chamberlain etc. was to come to an agreement with Hitler.

And these in turn call into being a professional class of doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, etc. etc.

The function of the Czechs, Poles, French, etc. is simply to produce such goods as Germany may need, and get in return just as little as will keep them from open rebellion.

Convention, organized in January 1941 by the Communists, was ostensibly founded to fight for public rights, higher wages, better air-raid precautions etc. and friendship with the U.

I have it on very good authority that reports of air-battles etc. issued by the Air Ministry are substantially truthful, though of course favourably coloured.

I believe that an organization now exists for political espionage in factories, pubs, etc. and of course in the army, but I doubt whether it can do more than report on the state of public opinion and occasionally victimize some individual held to be dangerous.

So much for the idea that the German army is a bogey, its equipment inadequate, its morale breaking down, etc. etc.

Wells accuses Churchill of not really believing his own propaganda about the Bolsheviks being monsters dripping with blood etc., but of merely fearing that they were going to introduce an era of common sense and scientific control, in which flag-wavers like Churchill himself would have no place.