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The Collaborative International Dictionary

AEstivate \[AE]s"ti*vate\, v. i. [L. aestivare, aestivatum.]

  1. To spend the summer.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) To pass the summer in a state of torpor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to spend the summer," 1650s, from Latin aestivatus, past participle of aestivare "to spend the summer," from aestus "heat," aestas "summer," literally "the hot season," from Proto-Italic *aissat-, from PIE *aidh- "to burn" (see edifice). Related: Estivated; estivating; estivation.


alt. (context intransitive English) To go into stasis or torpor in the summer months. vb. (context intransitive English) To go into stasis or torpor in the summer months.


v. sleep during summer; "certain animals estivate" [syn: aestivate] [ant: hibernate, hibernate]

Usage examples of "estivate".

Among his estivating colleagues only Cedric Carnavon was also sitting up.