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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Establish \Es*tab"lish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Established; p. pr. & vb. n. Establishing.] [OE. establissen, OF. establir, F. ['e]tablir, fr. L. stabilire, fr. stabilis firm, steady, stable. See Stable, a., -ish, and cf. Stablish.]

  1. To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm.

    So were the churches established in the faith.
    --Acts xvi. 5.

    The best established tempers can scarcely forbear being borne down.

    Confidence which must precede union could be established only by consummate prudence and self-control.

  2. To appoint or constitute for permanence, as officers, laws, regulations, etc.; to enact; to ordain.

    By the consent of all, we were established The people's magistrates.

    Now, O king, establish the decree, and sign the writing, that it be not changed.
    --Dan. vi. 8.

  3. To originate and secure the permanent existence of; to found; to institute; to create and regulate; -- said of a colony, a state, or other institutions.

    He hath established it [the earth], he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited.
    --Is. xlv. 18.

    Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and establisheth a city by iniquity!
    --Hab. ii. 12.

  4. To secure public recognition in favor of; to prove and cause to be accepted as true; as, to establish a fact, usage, principle, opinion, doctrine, etc.

    At the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
    --Deut. xix. 1

  5. 5. To set up in business; to place advantageously in a fixed condition; -- used reflexively; as, he established himself in a place; the enemy established themselves in the citadel.


vb. (present participle of establish English)

Usage examples of "establishing".

Were it possible for this circumstance to justify in your Excellency a determination to lend us your personal aid, it is evident from the universal voice, that the presence of their beloved Countryman, whose talents have so long been successfully employed, in establishing the freedom of kindred States, to whose person they have still flattered themselves they retained some right and have ever looked up as their dernier resort in distress.

None of us is trained in establishing the proper contact with an indigenous population.

Mayerd said, establishing herself beyond the storm wrack on a hearth stool.

Furthermore, by establishing those secondary camps, we have given them additional bases.

Sascha drew Tirla to one side as Public Health personnel circulated, establishing the parentage of those Tirla had rescued.

He regretted now that, once the Galileo program had finished early in this century, priorities had focused on firmly establishing a Lunar base and preparatory work for a manned Mars station.

He recognized that she had every reason to be proud of herself in establishing any sort of contact with an alien but he was afraid for her, with a fear deeper than any he had ever touched personally or vicariously.

And, speaking of suspense, establishing a definite ID would improve morale considerably.

It had been incumbent on the Alliance-- somehow--to keep the Hivers from establishing a new home system to replace the original world that had been consumed by their sun's nova.

With the pitch of the A dominant in her head, that was the note that burst from Killashandra as the shock of establishing the link between the five crystals enveloped her.

The Cat Mitford reproved himself - how he treated Zainal, the Catteni, would go a long way to establishing how most of the others would regard the alien.

By tone, gesture, and courtesy, Sergeant Chuck Mitford was establishing his equality with the new arrival.

I also have a plan, which I must take up with the Terran coordinators, about establishing commerce with them.

That set the pattern for the spring weeks to come, establishing pastures, crops, and garden, but still making the most use of the heavy equipment that would improve and enlarge the cave system.

Then he had come back inside and spent a pleasurable hour figuring out the profit on this enterprise and that it would, as he had hoped, off-set the expenses of establishing new holds on the Seminole peninsula.