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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Espy \Es*py"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Espied; p. pr. & vb. n. Espying.] [OF. espier, F. ['e]pier, from OHG. speh?n to watch, spy, G. sp["a]hen; akin to L. specere to look, species sight, shape, appearance, kind. See Spice, Spy, and cf. Espionage.]

  1. To catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes; to discover, as a distant object partly concealed, or not obvious to notice; to see at a glance; to discern unexpectedly; to spy; as, to espy land; to espy a man in a crowd.

    As one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the inn, . . . he espied his money.
    --Gen. xlii. 27.

    A goodly vessel did I then espy Come like a giant from a haven broad.

  2. To inspect narrowly; to examine and keep watch upon; to watch; to observe.

    He sends angels to espy us in all our ways.
    --Jer. Taylor.

    Syn: To discern; discover; detect; descry; spy.


vb. (present participle of espy English)

Usage examples of "espying".

In her eagerness to confront the pair after espying the coach lanterns emerging from the tree-shrouded lane, Melora had caught up her skirts and raced ahead of Charles.

Percy approached the fretfully pacing Bentley, who, upon espying him, hurried forward to meet him with the hope that he had encouraging news.

Upon espying him beside them again, Genevieve squealed in glee and pumped her tiny arms up and down as if coaxing him to take her.

At his sudden approach, her heart had nearly leapt into her throat, but she had raced out, telling him over her shoulder that she had forgotten his bread and had to run back to the house to fetch it, which had actually been the truth and a fortuitous oversight she had decided after espying the vial.

And espying one along the edge of the stream, he plunged to secure it.

Ali glanced around and, espying her mistress, eagerly beckoned her forward.

He saw his goal near and stretched his legs outward to lock the prince in the steely vise of his thighs, but a warning shout from one of the men alerted Aleksei, who, upon espying the imminent threat, gasped in sudden alarm and stumbled back from the dangerously encroaching limbs.

Synnovea glanced about in growing dismay, espying familiar faces closing in around them.

Then he turned his perusal solely upon his rival, espying no scabbard or pistol, only an empty sheath where a knife should have been.

Fogg and Aouda, who were seated on deck, cast a last glance at the quay, in the hope of espying Passepartout.

The signals made by the Tankadere had been seen by the captain of the Yokohama steamer, who, espying the flag at half-mast, had directed his course towards the little craft.

But Yolande coming radiant from the bower and espying the litter, shook her head.

Wherfore espying a corner where lay loaves of bread for all the house I got me thither and filled my hungry guts therewith.

This proclamation was the cause that put all doubt from Psyches, who was scantly come in the sight of the house of Venus, but one of her servants called Custome came out, who espying Psyches, cried with a loud voyce, saying: O wicked harlot as thou art, now at length thou shalt know that thou hast a mistresse above thee.

Kurt halted at Huntington for water, and when he was about ready to start a man rushed out of a store, glanced hurriedly up and down the almost deserted street, and, espying Kurt, ran to him.