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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an escaped prisoner
▪ Soldiers arrived, looking for escaped prisoners.
escaped unhurt
▪ The driver escaped unhurt from the accident.
▪ His three year-old daughter Jade narrowly escaped death when bullets were fired through the front door.
▪ With Emma he had played with fire and narrowly escaped burning.
▪ Read in studio A baby boy narrowly escaped death when his pram was crushed between a car and a garden wall.
▪ A teenage mail-room worker at the Anglian Water headquarters in Huntingdon narrowly escaped injury when the package she was handling exploded.
▪ They say perhaps it was an escaped convict who got into the house while Joe was out.
▪ We went on to the marshes with the soldiers and found the escaped convicts fighting each other.
▪ She was a former civil servant and escaped death only by telling her interrogators that she was a peasant.
▪ His three year-old daughter Jade narrowly escaped death when bullets were fired through the front door.
▪ Read in studio A baby boy narrowly escaped death when his pram was crushed between a car and a garden wall.
▪ One taxi driver, whose cab was damaged by the Cavendish Square blast, escaped death by 30 seconds.
▪ In 1966, Arthur Thompson, sen, escaped death in a bomb attack.
▪ The 17 passengers and two crew escaped injury.
▪ Aircraft extensively damaged but pilot and three passengers escaped injury.
▪ A19 crash: Two drivers escaped injury when their vehicles collided near Thirsk.
▪ Shocked driver Shaun Robinson crashed into a fence, writing off his Capri, but escaped injury.
▪ School pupils escaped injury but 70 homes were damaged in the blast.
▪ A teenage mail-room worker at the Anglian Water headquarters in Huntingdon narrowly escaped injury when the package she was handling exploded.
▪ The man and wife arrested with him have been bailed but probably face further questioning about suspected harbouring of an escaped prisoner.
▪ But the man who got into the front seat was Keith Hanger, an escaped prisoner wanted in connection with a murder.
▪ The escaped prisoner saw us and screamed as he turned to run.
▪ They had been brought here to round up the escaped prisoners but fortunately no one was giving them any information.
▪ That morning Sir Henry and Barrymore argued about Selden, the escaped prisoner.
▪ He is hiding from some one, too, but he is not an escaped prisoner.
▪ We were nothing to do with the prison camp or the escaped prisoners.
▪ Police are on the lookout for three escaped prisoners.
▪ Sherwood, an escaped convict, hunted down his ex-girlfriend and killed her.
▪ Mr Wolski was among the group of keepers who first saw the escaped golden eagle.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Escape \Es*cape"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Escaped; p. pr. & vb. n. Escaping.] [OE. escapen, eschapen, OF. escaper, eschaper, F. echapper, fr. LL. ex cappa out of one's cape or cloak; hence, to slip out of one's cape and escape. See 3d Cape, and cf. Scape, v.]

  1. To flee from and avoid; to be saved or exempt from; to shun; to obtain security from; as, to escape danger. ``Sailors that escaped the wreck.''

  2. To avoid the notice of; to pass unobserved by; to evade; as, the fact escaped our attention.

    They escaped the search of the enemy.

  1. That or who has escaped, especially from prison or another place of confinement. v

  2. (en-past of: escape)


adj. having escaped, especially from confinement; "a convict still at large"; "searching for two escaped prisoners"; "dogs loose on the streets"; "criminals on the loose in the neighborhood" [syn: at large(p), at liberty(p), loose, on the loose(p)]

Usage examples of "escaped".

How the Hrrubans could have escaped the notice of such Vigorous, intensive searching defeated Ken.

So the settlers had devised a method of herding the snakes, making certain by a variety of means that few escaped to wreak havoc among the herds and flocks.

After all, the Catteni might stumble on her if they thought their victim had escaped the crash.

His reaction time was so much faster than hers that he was halfway across the clearing within seconds after the order escaped her lips.

The woman twisted back the lock of lank bleached hair that had escaped its pins.

Apparently the fact that the lugger with its cold sleep would-be invasion force had escaped didn't concern him half as much as he was pleased that the overgunned escort had been destroyed.

None of the troops in five of the pods escaped, but the foremost one managed to unload some into the corridor beyond, where they joined the remnants from the first three pods.

The Jig's verbal report was surprisingly orderly and concise for someone who had narrowly escaped death and still had ripening bruises on his face.

She and Aygar and her crewmembers had just escaped the pitched battle that erupted when the Pollys tried gas on tunnel rats who had gas masks and weapons.

So far, the Seti commanders had assumed that the losses were, in fact, due to passive defense systems that had escaped inactivation.

The humans most responsible had escaped the planet in a fast yacht, and although a Fleet vessel had kept it in sight, it could not stop it.

You escaped one death-trap after another, you got vital information, you saved the world.

Iswy had already escaped or was hiding where he was unlikely to be found.

Somehow it had escaped her that grief was a frequent visitor in the universe, that her inability to aid Jennan was scarcely unique.

She smiled inside her helmet, and a curl of hair escaped down to dangle above her left eyebrow, making her look a lot more human.