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escape mechanism

n. a form of behavior that evades unpleasant realities

Escape Mechanism

Escape Mechanism is the title of a sound collage project instigated by Minneapolis based artist Jonathan Nelson. Using fragments of audio from a variety of previously recorded sound sources, the project is an experiment in recycled media.

Escape Mechanism has taken many forms, since 1997. From solo studio releases and theatrical sound design, to a live ensemble and sound installation, the project is defined by its re-use of sounds found in the broadcast media.

Although essentially a studio project, Escape Mechanism experimented briefly (1999 – 2001) with live improvisation. Performing under the name Cast of Thousands with Escape Mechanism, the rotating ensemble also worked exclusively with bits and pieces of the media environment, performing at art venues and performances spaces such as The Walker Art Center, the Soap Factory and The First Avenue Main Room.

Escape Mechanism has collaborated with artists such as Steev Hise, The Tape-beatles and Wobbly, and mounted sound installations at art galleries such as The Blue Theater, Rosalux Gallery and The Rochester Art Center.

Escape Mechanism proudly presents itself as 100% recycled, as every sound found in an Escape Mechanism composition is recycled from a previously recorded source. No original sounds are incorporated; only original juxtapositions.

Usage examples of "escape mechanism".

In a ball of light, the Gundam's cockpit escape mechanism went into action.

Any knowledge that an escape mechanism existed would also be knowledge that there was a simulation to be escaped from, which would defeat the whole purpose.

The scouts found only the wreckage of Kassad's escape mechanism and the burned out hulks of the two assault boats which the Ousters had lanced from orbit.

He had instinctively activated the Core Fighter escape mechanism, but he wondered if some residual consciousness from Lala Sun might not have affected his judgment, even his mind.

And like men who have made a huge mistake, his mental-escape mechanism kept trying to consider it as a great joke.

Deep Jeep had been well designed, but testing the escape mechanism at four hundred atmospheres pressure would have required most of ISA's budget.

It was, I suppose, partly a romantic escape mechanism with respect to international tensions.