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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Escaloped \Es*cal"oped\, a.

  1. Cut or marked in the form of an escalop; scalloped.

  2. (Her.) Covered with a pattern resembling a series of escalop shells, each of which issues from between two others. Its appearance is that of a surface covered with scales.

    Escaloped oysters (Cookery). See under Scalloped.


a. 1 Cut or marked in the form of an escalop; scalloped. 2 (context heraldry English) Covered with a scaly pattern resembling a series of escalop shells, each of which issues from between two others.

Usage examples of "escaloped".

In his hour of affliction it soothed him to read of Hungarian Goulash and escaloped brains, and to remember that he, too, the nut-and-grass eater of today, had once dwelt in Arcadia.