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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Erythrophyll \E*ryth"ro*phyll\, Erythrophyllin \Er`y*throph"yl*lin\, n. [Gr. 'eryqro`s red + ? leaf.] (Physiol. Bot.) The red coloring matter of leaves, fruits, flowers, etc., in distinction from chlorophyll.


n. (context biochemistry English) The red pigment of leaf, fruits, flowers, etc., in distinction from chlorophyll.

Usage examples of "erythrophyll".

Sorby examined the colouring matter with the spectroscope, and informs me that it consists of the commonest species of erythrophyll, "which is often met with in leaves with low vitality, and in parts, like the petioles, which carry on leaffunctions in a very imperfect manner.