Erum (ערום or Arum), (plural erumim ערומים) is a Hebrew word meaning "cautious, cunning, subtle, crafty, or prudent".
- Erum is found many places in the Hebrew Bible some examples in:
- Genesis 3:1 as erum, meaning "cunning", referring to the serpent or Satan (See note below).
- Job 5:12 As erumim, meaning "cunning", referring to those who plot.
- Job 5:13 As erum, meaning "shrewd", referring to tricksters.
- Job 15:5 As erumim, meaning "clever", referring to well thought words.
Note: The consensus of the Biblical commentators in classical Judaism is that the "serpent" of the narrative in the Book of Genesis, was literally a serpent. They differ regarding what force it represented: The "evil inclination", "Satan", or the "Angel of Death". According to the Midrash, before this cunning beast was cursed, it stood erect and was endowed with some faculty of communication.
Category:Hebrew words and phrases
Erum is a Muslim name meaning "Jannat" in Urdu which means 'Heaven' in English, with different spellings such as Irum and Iram.
In Persian folklore it also refers to the story of King Shedad who wanted to compete with God and said that he would create Baghe 'Erum'(heaven on earth).To create this heaven he used up all his wealth and power even snatching from the poor.He made it so beautiful that it was heard to have fountains of wine and milk and rocks of the most precious gems that one could ever imagine. His cruelty is said to have upset God and God decided to punish him,so that he would never lay eyes on Erum. Just when Shedad was about to enter the gates of Erum he tripped on the steps and died on the spot.
Erum may refer to: irum means garden or heaven
- Erum (Hebrew), word meaning thoughtful
- Erum (name), Muslim name
- ERUM Creative Productions L.L.C, Corp
- Episodic random utility model, a statistical model used for regression analysis.
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