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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Eruct \E*ruct"\, Eructate \E*ruc"tate\, v. t. [L. eructare; e out + ructare to belch: cf. F. ['e]ructer.] To eject, as wind, from the stomach; to belch. [R.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1630s, from Latin eructatus, past participle of eructare "to belch forth" (see eructation). Related: Eructated; eructating.


vb. To burp; to belch.

Usage examples of "eructate".

Occasionally a few bubbles would eructate to the surface like the ghosts of beans on bath night.

The screen image jumped to another part of the sky, zoomed in on a star surrounded by sheets of expelled hydrogen and eructating vast jets of plasma.