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erroneous belief

n. a misconception resulting from incorrect information [syn: error]

Usage examples of "erroneous belief".

And he adds: Although they have no erroneous belief, yet since the Church must judge by outward signs they are to be considered as heretics (not this fiction of law).

The erroneous belief that things will not get better may lead to suicidal thoughts.

Like too many pilots, Freddy had the erroneous belief that his skills in the sky were mirrored by skills on the ground.

For instance, I assume you recall what I said about the erroneous belief that we dread crucifixes?

We had clung to the erroneous belief thatwhen we were at home nothing could threaten us, nothingcould disturb or hinder our smooth, contented, andrewarding journey into the fresh decades.

Many researchers have adopted the erroneous belief that where there has been one incident, there must be others.

Polting might be easy, but it had not been easy to come by, for its development had been forced to wait upon the suspension of erroneous belief, had come only with the end of certain superstitions and the false screen of the prejudice set up to shield Man against his lack of knowledge.