Crossword clues for errancy
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Errancy \Er"ran*cy\, n. [L. errantia.] A wandering; state of being in error.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1620s, from errant + -ancy.
n. 1 the state of being in error; fallibility 2 holding the view that the Pope is not infallible
n. (Christianity) holding views that disagree with accepted doctrine; especially disagreement with Papal infallibility; "he denies the errancy of the Catholic Church"
fallibility as indicated by erring or a tendency to err [ant: inerrancy]
Usage examples of "errancy".
For the ratty has come-to-be in the errancy where the rat errs and so fosters error.
But the smell which hung over the battery, which stood between barracks and gun positions, between the computer and the shrapnel trenches, and scarcely moved its supporting leg, the smell which, as Harry and everyone else knew, was projected neither by rats nor by crows, which arose from no drain and hence from no errancy, this smell was wafted, regardless of whether the wind was working from Putzig or Dirschau, from the harbor-mouth bar or from the open sea, by a whitish mound blocked off by barbed wire and situated to the south of the battery.