Erraez and Herraez are variations of the same Sephardi surname. ( Judaeo-Spanish: Sefardies) This pedigree belong to a sub-group known as Spanish and Portuguese Jews, consists of Jews whose families remained in Spain and Portugal as ostensible Christians (after the Alhambra decree of 1492). Later reverted to Judaism in France and Italy, and some of them emigrated to the New World in the 18th century, particularly Mexico, the Caribbean and South America as conversos.
Some people with these names include:
- Juan Garrido Herráez (1951–), Spanish politician
- Miguel Herráez (1957–), Spanish writer
Other Sephardic families:
- Abravanel
- Abulafia
- Alazrague
- Barzel
- Casal
- Cohen
- Cardozo
- Carneiro
- Donatez
- Damuz
- De Castro
- Eleazar
- Espina
- Ezra
- Falcon
- Fierres
- Fonseca
- Gamarra
- Gazy
- Gershom
- Harari
- Huete
- Ibrahim
- Izradiel
- Jalaf
- Jerez
- Joel
- Kohen
- Lanery
- Levi
- Manrique
- Marsel
- Montiel
- Mose
- Nucaty
- Nunez
- Obadias
- Ormaza
- Palat
- Rangel
- Saavedra
- Seixas
- Talavera
- Tesat
- Torrijos
- Uziel
- Valenty
- Xaquez
- Yzcadarani
- Zacarias