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Eriodictyon is a genus of plants within the Hydrophylloideae subfamily of the borage family, Boraginaceae.

It includes yerba santa (Eriodictyon californica), along with other similarly named plants. Yerba santa means "sacred herb" in the Spanish language.

Species include:

  • Eriodictyon altissimum — Indian Knob mountainbalm
  • Eriodictyon angustifolium — Narrow-leaved yerba santa
  • Eriodictyon californicum — California yerba santa
  • Eriodictyon capitatum — Lompoc yerba santa
  • Eriodictyon crassifolium — Thick-leaved yerba santa
  • Eriodictyon parryi — Poodle-dog bush
  • Eriodictyon tomentosum — Woolly yerba santa
  • Eriodictyon traskiae — Pacific yerba santa
  • Eriodictyon trichocalyx — Hairy yerba santa