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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Equitably \Eq"ui*ta*bly\, adv. In an equitable manner; justly; as, the laws should be equitably administered.


adv. In an equitable manner


adv. in an equitable manner; "the inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters" [ant: inequitably]

Usage examples of "equitably".

I will stay out in the jungle an additional day and night, fighting off sculpers, sholjaggs, and ski ks I would then assume your appearance would compare, if not favorably, at least equitably.

April 7, 1862, the House adopted a resolution, by 67 yeas to 52 nays-- all the yeas, save one, Republican, and all the nays, save 12, Democratic--for the appointment of a Select Committee of nine, to consider and report whether any plan could be proposed and recommended for the gradual Emancipation of all the African Slaves, and the extinction of Slavery in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, by the people or local authorities thereof, and how far and in what way the Government of the United States could and ought equitably to aid in facilitating either of those objects.

That the assessors were honest and discreet men under an oath to assess fairly and equitably, and that any advantage each of them might expect in lessening his own tax by augmenting that of the proprietaries was too trifling to induce them to perjure themselves.

Of course, exploration and settlement ought to be done equitably and transnationally, by representatives of the entire human species.