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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Usage examples of "equina".

The most recent entries centered particularly on the cauda equina, the ganglion of nerves at the base of the spine.

And to think it all started with a single material: the neuronal membrane of the cauda equina, the divergent sheaf of spinal ganglia with the longest nerve roots of all.

Pendergast recognized it as a human nerve strand, undoubtedly from the cauda equina at the base of the spinal cord.

It appears as if the entire cauda equina has been dissected out, starting at L1 and terminating at the sacrum.

And, indeed, the nerve mass is called cauda equina (kaw'duh ee-kw/nuh.

Horsetail was formerly official under the name of Cauda equina and was much esteemed as an astringent.