divided equally
▪ The money will be divided equally among the charities.
equally suitable
▪ I wanted a shoe that was equally suitable for both racing and training.
equally valid
▪ Each of these ways of looking at things is equally valid.
▪ All people should be treated equally, whatever their age.
evenly/equally matched
▪ The two candidates are fairly evenly matched.
more/most/less/equally importantly
▪ Most importantly, you must keep a record of everything you do.
▪ Whatever the answers to the previous questions, are they equally applicable to every level of linguistic analysis?
▪ Again, a Rule 72 Transfer is equally applicable as between a leasehold or freehold property.
▪ Ralph Gibson L.J.'s observations seem equally applicable to libel.
▪ It is an interpretation found equally applicable to developing capitalist states where indigenous bourgeoisies are yet to develop fully.
▪ These observations are in my view equally applicable to the revenue and to sums by way of principal or interest retained by them.
▪ These are useful lessons which should be equally applicable to future attempts at securing organisational improvements through computerisation.
▪ The principles are equally applicable in many other therapeutic situations, not just those involving patients who have taken overdoses.
▪ This concept may be equally applicable in other sectors, such as services and information-ultimately producing more leisure time.
▪ What is equally clear among business men is that they have no enthusiasm whatever for a Labour Government.
▪ But it is equally clear that the world around us is changing.
▪ The military lessons were equally clear.
▪ The compromise with tonality is equally clear in Berg.
▪ What is equally clear is that the developer would not be Parkdale Archerfield as suggested in your report.
▪ However, it seems equally clear that the defence will frequently be able to raise the issue of consent.
▪ This political rhetoric would lead one to suppose that the subsequent proposals would be of an equally clear political substance.
▪ In our second study we sought to confirm our findings that group and individual cognitive therapy were equally effective.
▪ Oral communication is equally effective for the receiver, who can instantly clarify what something means.
▪ Frequently staff will resist the change in ways which may be less dramatic than sabotage, but be equally effective.
▪ Both are equally effective and achieve cures about 80 percent of the time.
▪ Passages based on chords or arpeggios are equally effective on the harp.
▪ Again we found both modes equally effective.
▪ My hideous tableau vivant, however, will function as an equally effective go-away.
▪ At best a needlessly expensive chemical is used where a cheaper, equally effective detergent, would suffice.
▪ A second equally good story describes mopping up an oil spill at sea.
▪ The pollack was equally good-crisp and crunchy on the outside, meaty and moist within.
▪ The questions arise: Does the same experiment provide equally good backing for any other theory?
▪ It looks equally good on a flowery china tea cup or embroidered on a pretty, decorative pillow.
▪ Now I thought it was an equally good answer to what was the best kind of life.
▪ For the worker, it made equally good sense to limit output and thereby ward off a rate cut.
▪ Luckily there are equally good routes on the walls to the side.
▪ When required to run a maze, male and female pine voles prove equally good at the task.
▪ It was equally important to a world economy that information could move as freely as commodities.
▪ Like many other people, I appreciate clean rivers and unspoiled forest lands; but all things are not equally important.
▪ Many think that to prevent the demolition of useful residential buildings, theatres and cinemas is equally important.
▪ A second and equally important impact of the time factor in making oil-backout investments is inflationary rises in capital costs.
▪ The unexpected failure may be an equally important innovation opportunity source.
▪ But equally important, learning about rabbits taught Miles, Evan, arid me more about people.
▪ For example, in professional education, professional competence is equally important, if not more so.
▪ Mornings and evenings are equally important.
▪ The former were usually lively and interesting; the latter, almost equally likely to be very dull indeed.
▪ The shapes were 6.3° tall and on average 2.2° wide, and were equally likely to be red or green.
▪ These four ways are equally likely to happen so the expected ratio of black-eyed and pearl-eyed beetles is 3 to 1.
▪ Once separated from the jaws they appear equally likely to be digested, so that there is approximate equivalence between the samples.
▪ Control subjects receive training in which the light is equally likely after the tone and the clicker.
▪ Are all drivers equally likely to experience them?
▪ However, it is equally likely for Dwarf troops to wear clothes or uniforms they have devised themselves.
▪ Each of these realizations is equally likely.
▪ The above requirement for diversity can be matched by an equally strong requirement for centralization.
▪ However, I have an equally strong conviction that a balanced-budget amendment is a threat to Social Security and our economic health.
▪ The result resembles a cyclist pedalling strongly into an equally strong headwind-and wobbling dangerously as almost imperceptible progress is made.
▪ Although work is an unquestionably powerful source of male identity and satisfaction, family is equally strong.
▪ Indeed, there exists an equally strong, and in this context often contradictory, philosophical premiss, that of paternalism.
▪ Tsur believes he is part of a silent but equally strong current of Golan residents willing to sacrifice for peace.
▪ Are they equally strong in everyone?
▪ Northern church leaders used equally strong language about their southern counterparts.
▪ It is equally true that they are not as suitable for a truly mixed sequential-direct application as indexed sequential files.
▪ This is equally true of governments.
▪ It is equally true, however, that other of its elements are important means to the attainment of these riches.
▪ It holds equally true that a compassionate act needs to be spurred by a feeling of compassion to be effective.
▪ This is equally true for the Press.
▪ It is true that there are two solo players and equally true that Mackey matches them to a 15-member chamber orchestra.
▪ Don't let Ryan destroy you, Leo had said, and now it was equally true of himself.
▪ These two episodes made the man, yet it is equally true that the man made the episodes.
▪ Thus, in nearly all its occurrences, either use of the adjective criminal would be equally valid.
▪ There are other, equally valid, ways into this symphony.
▪ Whatever method you adopt, the following principles are equally valid and need to be taken into account. 1.
▪ Your clocks are equally valid only if you each continue to occupy an inertial reference frame.
▪ A second and equally valid argument is that the publishing world is an invaluable source of knowledge.
▪ A reading that cancels out the contradictory and equally valid meanings the text yields does not do justice to its complexity.
▪ It is equally valid to use, for example, 20°C, 30°C and 40°C or 20°C, 35°C and 50°C.
▪ Each is equally valid and must be dealt with in its own terms.
▪ Both theories apply equally to issues of law and fact.
▪ These dimensions apply equally to employees of new fishnet organizations and to team members working outside traditionally defined business spaces.
▪ But in later life these difficulties apply equally strongly to both men and women.
▪ Whether these characterizations apply equally well in all situations for all philosophical traditions is a question that I leave open.
▪ All of the above considerations apply equally to this situation.
▪ Unlike biological theories, socialization accounts apply equally to women and men.
▪ Many of the above difficulties apply equally to the retirement of a shareholding director.
▪ The undertaking is applied equally to the House of Lords.
▪ As might be expected from the study of mortality data acute health problems are not equally distributed throughout the population.
▪ You do this by equally distributing power to every person; thus no one has any more authority than anyone else.
▪ With, if only 60 percent of total current income were equally distributed it would be socially valued as equivalent.
▪ However, they are not equally distributed in the various pay grades.
▪ Authority and prestige are not equally distributed.
▪ These women were equally distributed during follow-up and were censored at the time of the last visit.
▪ Choice is a resource itself which is not equally distributed throughout society.
▪ Smoking Smoking, of either cigarettes, pipes or cigars, is not equally distributed throughout the population.
▪ Fianna Fáil appeared to be equally divided on the issue.
▪ Top with croissant cubes, dividing equally.
▪ The residue of the estate was divided equally among all Mr Farrington's first cousins living at his death.
▪ It essentially mediated between the sharply contrasting views of the other eight justices, who divided equally on the issue of quotas.
▪ If twins are borne, both with a disability, then the sum insured will be divided equally between them.
▪ Pour custard over chocolate and croissants, dividing equally.
▪ Fees and expenses would be divided equally between them.
▪ Yet scarce athletic moneys must be equally divided between male and female teams.
▪ A warm angel hair pasta tossed with fresh bay scallops proved equally delicious.
▪ For ministers to ignore Parliament completely would prove equally untenable.
▪ When required to run a maze, male and female pine voles prove equally good at the task.
▪ Yet homegrown gangs may prove equally troublesome.
▪ Baserunning proved equally as challenging in the first game.
▪ Still thirty, he projects a seemingly more probable life, but one which proves equally to be a not-life.
▪ Ralph Gibson L.J.'s observations seem equally applicable to libel.
▪ We both seemed equally startled to see each other.
▪ Its social character seems equally so, at least in the talk of our participants.
▪ To make matters worse, the conduct of the Union generals in the lines to the west seemed equally unpromising.
▪ Sometimes sharply contrasting hypotheses can seem equally plausible.
▪ Other attempts to restrict preferences of voters seem equally to have had limited success.
▪ Within a theory of irony, a theory of parody seems equally essential for understanding recent generic mutations.
▪ Things seem equally booming away from the bright lights.
▪ Unfortunately, these improvements have not been shared equally and health inequalities within and among countries are entrenched.
▪ After the syndicate earned back the $ 25, 000, the brothers and the syndicate would share equally in the proceeds.
▪ Second, the health improvements have not been shared equally and health inequalities among and within countries remain entrenched.
▪ Problems arise from the fact that the fear of failing is not equally shared.
▪ Some decisions are shared equally and the remainder are split between husband and wife.
▪ There is the issue of whether a household's resources really are shared equally between husbands and wives.
▪ Again, this is a feeling shared equally by men and women.
▪ A local public good is to be provided in each locality and the cost is to be shared equally by residents.
▪ In theory, fathers and mothers are treated equally.
▪ Did they expect to be treated equally and considerately by the police?
▪ It would not mean that animals should be treated equally with people, they do not have the same interests as people.
▪ Their one goal was to ensure that they be treated equally.
▪ Perhaps this doesn't sound overly problematic; surely, intuitively, all people should be treated equally whatever their age.
▪ Safeguards should be available to protect individual investors and ensure that all parties to a takeover are treated equally.
▪ Domestic and foreign investment would be treated equally.
▪ We believe mothers should be treated equally by government, whether they work outside the home or not.
▪ Both schools seem equally good.
▪ Chantal Johnson was brought up in Canada, and is equally fluent in French and English.
▪ Club bosses and doormen are equally concerned about the situation.
▪ Danny has great skill as a football player, and, equally important, the determination that you need to succeed.
▪ He treats all the customers equally.
▪ Many business people do not know what sexual harassment is. Equally important, they do not know how to prevent it.
▪ The candidates are equally qualified for the job.
▪ The meat can then be baked, grilled, or sautéed with equally good results.
▪ We'll divide the work equally.
▪ Antitrust laws should be made to apply equally to all.
▪ Even when the correct word was given a high probability, there were many other words with an equally high probability.
▪ His new book, Naked, is equally witty but much sadder.
▪ Now doing it outside the parameters of 90 minutes on a Saturday afternoon is equally and probably more important.
▪ Of these, sales and results are divided almost equally between industrial and consumer packaging divisions.
▪ The military lessons were equally clear.
▪ Yet homegrown gangs may prove equally troublesome.
▪ Your income will be added together and any benefit entitlement will be split equally between you.