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n. 1 Moment of theoretical suspension of all action. 2 Moment of theoretical suspension of disbelief.


Epoché (ἐποχή epokhē, "suspension") is an ancient Greek term which, in its philosophical usage, describes the theoretical moment where all judgments about the existence of the external world, and consequently all action in the world, are suspended. One's own consciousness is subject to immanent critique This concept was developed by the Greek skeptics and plays an implicit role in skeptical thought, as in René Descartes' epistemic principle of methodic doubt. The term was popularized in philosophy by Edmund Husserl. Husserl elaborates the notion of 'phenomenological epoché' or ' bracketing' in Ideas I. Through the systematic procedure of 'phenomenological reduction', one is thought to be able to suspend judgment regarding the general or naive philosophical belief in the existence of the external world, and thus examine phenomena as they are originally given to consciousness.

Usage examples of "epoche".

The Magellanic Emperor, the same entity who, with his United Diet of the Small and Large Clouds, maneuvered the Magellanics into orbit around the Milky Way, the same who caused Sanduleak to go supernova in order to convey Johnny Abilene to Earth, this same Emperor also found Nora, via epoché, and installed her as a backup and secret watchdog over Abilene.

I had to epoché on down in a hurry when the Space People killed Shaman.

Sto preparando una tesi da sottoporre al Consiglio, per raccomandare di Mutare la Realtà in modo da eliminare tutte le epoche orientate sul volo spaziale, come comune linea d'azione.

Gli abiti della coppia erano un miscuglio di capi appartenenti a epoche sartoriali diverse.

Pertanto, e chissà da quali epoche remote, costoro avevano avuto piena libertà di abbandonarsi ai loro riti crudeli, e di tramandare di generazione in generazione siffatti, spaventevoli costumi, ai quali nulla poteva spronarli, al di fuori di una natura affatto estranea alla Legge divina e traviata da qualche infernale depravazione.

Tali ossa un tempo erano appartenute a un mammut peloso, e risalivano alle epoche glaciali quando le grandi bestie lanuginose percorrevano in lungo e in largo la tundra innevata dell'Inghilterra del sud come se, a detta dei Dorati, ne fossero i proprietari.