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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Epizeuxis \Ep`i*zeux"is\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? a fastening together, repetition, fr. ? to fasten to or upon; 'epi` upon + ? to join, yoke.] (Rhet.) A figure by which a word is repeated with vehemence or emphasis, as in the following lines:

Alone, alone, all all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea.


n. (context rhetoric English) Repeating words in immediate succession.


In rhetoric, an epizeuxis is the repetition of a word or phrase in immediate succession, for vehemence or emphasis.

Epizeuxis (moth)

Epizeuxis is a genus of moths of the Noctuidae family, it is considered to be a synonym of Idia by many authors, but some retain it as a valid genus. If treated as valid, it contains at least the type species Epizeuxis calvaria Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775.