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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Epilogism \E*pil"o*gism\, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to reckon over, to deliver an epilogue; 'epi` upon + ? to count, reckon. See Epilogue.] Enumeration; computation. [R.]
--J. Gregory.


n. (context archaic English) enumeration; computation


Epilogism is a style of Inference invented by the ancient Empiric school of medicine. It is a theory-free method of looking at history by accumulating fact with minimal generalization and being conscious of the side effects of making causal claims. Epilogism is an inference which moves entirely within the domain of visible and evident things, it tries not to invoke unobservables. It is tightly knit to the famous "tripos of medicine".

See also Doctrines of the Empiric school.

See also Causal inference.