Epicaste (; Epikaste) or Epicasta is a name attributed to four women in Greek mythology.
- Epicaste, daughter of Augeas. She bore Heracles a son, Thestalus.
- Epicaste, daughter of Calydon and Aeolia, daughter of Amythaon. She married Agenor son of Pleuron (her first cousin) and had children: Porthaon, Demonice, and Thestius.
- Epicaste is another name for Jocasta, used by Homer.
- Epicaste, daughter of Nestor and mother of Homer himself by Telemachus, son of Odysseus.
- Epicaste, wife of Clymenus, son of Teleus or Argos, and mother of Harpalyce, Idas, and Therager.