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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Envious \En"vi*ous\, a. [OF. envios, F. envieux, fr. L. invidiosus, fr. invidia envy. See Envy, and cf. Invidious.]

  1. Malignant; mischievous; spiteful. [Obs.]

    Each envious brier his weary legs doth scratch.

  2. Feeling or exhibiting envy; actuated or directed by, or proceeding from, envy; -- said of a person, disposition, feeling, act, etc.; jealously pained by the excellence or good fortune of another; maliciously grudging; -- followed by of, at, and against; as, an envious man, disposition, attack; envious tongues.

    My soul is envious of mine eye.

    Neither be thou envious at the wicked.
    --Prov. xxiv. 19.

  3. Inspiring envy. [Obs. or Poetic]

    He to him leapt, and that same envious gage Of victor's glory from him snatched away.

  4. Excessively careful; cautious. [Obs.]

    No men are so envious of their health.
    --Jer. Taylor. -- En"vi*ous*ly, adv. -- En"vi*ous*ness, n.


adv. in an envious manner or to an envious degree


adv. with jealousy; in an envious manner; "he looked at his friend's new car jealously" [syn: covetously, jealously]

Usage examples of "enviously".

His eyes followed the leaders of the Grand Parade, looking enviously at Bill Bly riding beside Carol Bell.

Not many of the taxi drivers on the island could afford a car shipped from the States, and they looked at Eddoes enviously.

Prudence thought enviously of Pretty and Sieke, who Haso would have as passengers in his plane.

Sah-luma meanwhile ascended half-way up the steps, and there turning round, smiled and bowed with an exquisite grace and infinite condescension,--and again Theos gazed at him yearningly, lovingly, and somewhat enviously too.

Holmes stared back, lost in sudden thought, his hand still on the chair, enviously watching the sleek black wellfed arrogance stretch itself back out on the polished floor and resume its interrupted 64 meditation.

And across the road the Engineers with their pneumatic drills digging the demolition listened to them sing and watched them enviously, and they knew the Engineers watched them and laughed and sang even more loudly.

The dogs lay in their harnesses for it was a midday halt, and watched each mouthful enviously.

Meanwhile citizens looked up enviously at the rocketships thrusting themselves into the clean, cold void.

Instead House Tlabbar's palace clambered up along the southern wall of Menzoberran­zan's great cavern, until its highest spires surmounted the plateau in whose shadow it sat, as if the matrons of the Third House wished to be able to peer over the plateau's edge and gaze enviously upon the manors fortunate enough to be located alongside the exalted House Baenre.

He was enormously busy during the dinner, now bumblingly cheering Paul, now approaching McKelvey with "Hear, you're going to build some piers in Brooklyn," now noting how enviously the failures of the class, sitting by themselves in a weedy group, looked up to him in his association with the nobility, now warming himself in the Society Talk of McKelvey and Max Kruger.

Renner thought enviously of Ajax Boynton back in the tent with tea and brandy.

Not for the first time, Mannheim's thoughts turned enviously to the beautiful, high-tech liner from Novya Romanov that had pulled out six hours ago on an invisible wave of curved space-time, surfing in the grip of an extremal singularity.

And, Moreta noted enviously, thick long black plaits gleamed in the well-lit room.

Dozens had spoken enviously of his bow-a masterpiece of laminated wood and bone, fashioned by the qheuenish craftsmen of Ovoom Town.

Then they were in the S-bend, on cobbles, and he had to brake as he enviously watched the way her de Dion axle married her rear wheels to the rough going, while his own live axle hopped and skittered as he wrenched at the wheel.