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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Enviable \En"vi*a*ble\, a. [From Envy.] Fitted to excite envy; capable of awakening an ardent desire to posses or to resemble.

One of most enviable of human beings.
--Macaulay. -- En"vi*a*ble*ness, n. -- En"vi*a*bly, adv.


adv. In an enviable manner or to an enviable degree


adv. in an enviable manner; "she was enviably fluent in French"

Usage examples of "enviably".

The woman was at least five feet ten inches tall, and enviably slender.

Meg, going in with his coffee, saw that he was already deep in his post, with Miss Stan dish, enviably efficient, sitting close by, notebook and pencil at the ready.

Two lines had etched themselves one on either side of her nose and ran down past the corners of her small, secretive mouth, but her forehead was uncreased and the skin beneath her chin enviably taut.

On arrival at the checkpoint, another member of the DS, enviably curled up in his tent with a hot brew on, called out a new grid reference another ten kilometres or so away across difficult terrain.

Silvan was a fine scribe, possessing an enviably steady hand, and had devoted himself to recopying, with exquisitely embellished carpet pages, the older tomes whose ink had faded o'er time.